
I own two actually. An original and a II (actually the II might have a MORE uncomfortable controller).

I don't use Kinect for many games. Double Fine Happy Action Theater/Kinect Party are a popular staple, but Dance Central (series) is absolutely fantastic.

I LOVED Rage, totally fantastic game except for the craptastic ending.

I play Dance Central almost every day for an awesome workout...I love my Kinect.

Well, I really like the controller on my Virtual Boy...but the neck aches are another story...and the blindness after playing for a while...and the headaches.

Problem is that no 3rd party games makes the situation worse. I don't any of the ports have been terrible enough not to release. Certainly it would be nice to have loads of money and time to fully polish titles, but that's not a luxury that 3rd party devs can afford. Wii U gamers need more games not less if it is

Can't be any worse than this for comfort:

Yeah, and I don't think 3rd parties have any responsibility for flagging sales of consoles.

Does lackluster ports of old games help sell systems? No of course it doesn't. In the end though, especially for Nintendo, this shouldn't be an issue. This is vastly different than saying that 3rd parties are responsible for flagging Wii U sales though.

Well, like I said, we'll have to agree to disagree. It is the first party that sells the console and is responsible for attracting people to their system. I know if I was a third party dev, I'd be passing on making games for the Wii U altogether.

I can't make arguments on speculation. I have no idea what the ports of the other games will offer. That said, I still blame Nintendo for moving too few consoles to make development attractive. As I've repeatedly said, third party development is going to get SO much worse for them if they can't give game makers a

No, Nintendo should have come to the table prepared, which they weren't. Like I said, they knew what was coming from the other companies...they needed to step up and deliver. Third parties aren't going to make games for consoles that don't sell and it isn't there responsibility to move systems. We are making

And the best selling games on a Nintendo system are ALWAYS first party. Nintendo knew EXACTLY what 3rd party companies were bringing to the table and they chose to bring out their own rehash Mario as the leading game at launch.

Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree. I think I laid out my argument well enough. If you choose to think that third parties are somehow to blame for Nintendo's failings then good on your I guess.

Yeah, I disagree.

What you choose to buy is your call. As I said, people with only a WiiU are likely happy with a single player game as opposed to nothing.

Like I said, the alternative is likely scrapping the WiiU version which would you rather? Some people only have a WiiU, so they'd likely be happy to have some more games. I have a WiiU but I'll be playing this game on the PC.

Being the same price seems perfectly reasonable to me. They aren't going to see nearly as many sales on the WiiU as they will with the other versions, not by a long shot. They'll need to keep the price the same to recoup the cost for the WiiU port and possibly future support. The alternative was likely skipping the

That's almost 5 feet and Mario is it is probably good for "lifesized".

Best mouse I've ever owned, hands down.