With not much to go on I’m going with NP on the basis that is it rare and interesting enough that someone might want to spend that on one. not sure I would though.
With not much to go on I’m going with NP on the basis that is it rare and interesting enough that someone might want to spend that on one. not sure I would though.
What sucks is that those cops that can recognize that their nerves are frayed or are starting to have PTSD or other mental/emotional effects from their job are not always given the proper outlet to retire early and leave the force. I know one particular cop (friend of a friend) who went through a tough situation. A…
There were a lot weirder ones suggested than some of these. The Fiero especially is fairly pedestrian.
Since it appears that I’m first, I would like to submit that this is not how riddles work. By this logic, your name starts with a J and ends with a Y and no one would be able to guess it in a reasonable amount of time.
But in this case, these same players are writing the rules of the game, no?
I use an ad blocker, so it’s not so bad. I recently visited with my ad blocker turned off, and...holy shit. The admins need to understand that a small number of ads are more effective than several dozen. Too many adds means people will either become good at ignoring them, use an ad blocker, or simply stop showing up.
Same. I would get almost through and then, bam, website resets to top and I need to load all ads again. Rinse, repeat. It’s a serious fuck-fest of a mobile website.
I went back and counted. I got 52 ads. Every full screen scroll got a new ad. The worst part is how many bronco images I missed the first time through because my phone was too busy loading all the ads.
I’d love to read this review, but it’s impossible as it crashes my iPhone 12 more than Vin Diesel crashes movie cars.
OT, but it’s been more than a week & this doesn’t seem to have been acknowledged by anyone at all - certainly no departure roast, like Andrew & others have received when leaving - nor did Erin mention her impending departure (unless she buried it a column & I missed it). Make me think she was glad to GTFO, and this…
Didn’t they only end up making about 1,000 of those before GM just pulled the plug on Saab?
I see the NG9-5 and think how they are aging so well.
Agreed. They are stunning.
Not desirable to you doesn’t mean not desirable to someone else. There’s little else I’d rather drive.
“This is not a desirable car”
lol this is not a beater and $2500 these days is getting into beater territory
These are very good cars when taken care of, and this one appears to be. I’ve had a 2006 sedan 2.0T with the 5-speed (bought at ~20k, sold at ~220k) & a 2009 sportcombi 2.0T with the 6-speed (bought at ~150k, sold this January at ~190k for $4500) that both were very reliable, economical, and fun to drive. They even do…
It’s a SAAB. Exclusive. European. GM guts (cheap to maintain, repair and overall reliable). It’s got a 6 speed manual. Wagon. 2.0T engine that can easily be modded to make good power. Parts still available from local vendors and online businesses, and GM specific parts are there in spades. While the price for this is…