I’ve learned to stop trying to argue with alliterator. Intentional or not, he’s basically a troll at this point. He only keeps going because you “insulted” him. It's pointless to engage him.
I’ve learned to stop trying to argue with alliterator. Intentional or not, he’s basically a troll at this point. He only keeps going because you “insulted” him. It's pointless to engage him.
“ You’ve always got someone running over proudly declaiming “But MY criticism of Star Wars is perfectly valid and legitimate because of $REASONS” in any article discussing the prevalence of toxicity in fandom.”
One can be that condescending about almost any movie, but to answer your question: No, Shape Of Water should not have won, just like Black Panther shouldn’t win. Neither of them is “Best Picture” good.
That got me laughing out loud!
Great, thanks! Good to know. I’ve been close to buying one of these for ages, but my current ‘99 9-5 with 136k miles is still going strong, never had a single mechanical issue since I bought it 5 years ago with 105k miles. From where I’m standing, Saab is crazy reliable, because it’s had, let’s say, “minimum…
Come on pal, let this go already. We’ll agree to disagree.
Another extremely long and very angry rant... Let’s just agree to disagree and leave it at that.
So many angry words, all over my mere suggestion to keep (relatively recent) spoilers out of headlines. Who could possibly be inconvenienced by that solution? Not a rhetorical question, by the way.
Insisting on doing something incredibly trivial which you know will inconvenience others is the very definition of inconsiderate. Ask yourself, what is your actual point?
“Dude, I’ve read your entire passive-aggressive opus in this comment section. You are definitely demanding that the rest of the world conform to your arbitrary wants.”
The annoyance is mutual. At least I’m advocating being considerate instead of selfish, like you, so if that is called being “nobly” passive agressive in your world, alrighty then.
I honestly don’t get where your hostility comes from. If I had been *demanding* this whole time that spoilers were *completely* avoided in both titles and the articles themselves, then maybe I could sort of see your point.
Except I'm not asking the rest of the world to accommodate me, so your reply makes no sense. Reread my posts and show me where I *demand* anything.
Sadly I've been looking for an io9 replacement for a while now, but no such luck yet. The drop in quality is really astounding though.
Jesus christ, so much anger. Why even? I’m not *demanding* anything, I’m merely suggesting keeping spoilers in the body of the article rather than in the title. You know, being considerate.
That’s a lot of words just for showing off how inconsiderate you are.
You seem to have a lot of hostility inside of you. I’m simply arguing for a little consideration for people who don’t have oceans of free time and so aren’t always up to date with everything.
“Your argument is moot, and likely just to be an asshole.”
That spoon guy is either a troll or so lacking in empathy as to be almost a psychopath. Or a little of both, of course.
Just how selfish are you? Do you go around blowing cigarette smoke in people’s faces just because you can? Why the heck are you arguing against an extremely minor common courtesy? I’m saying keep the spoiler off the main page, that way everybody wins.