
You're also an idiot

If your job is such that you don’t want people knowing who you are, perhaps you should be questioning your life choices.

This is a seriously awesome take after reading an article which directly explains the harm caused by the performers real names being public. Although, apparently the deranged people that target them are not at fault, it is on them for choosing that profession in the first place.

Exactly, context is king, it’s not the violence it’s the context of the piece. Also, no one is saying “you can’t release this movie” just that they have to tackle it appropriately. If the director came out with a well thought out and cogent argument as to what his goal as a director was that’d be different but what he

That’s my main problem. He doesn’t seem smart enough for this nuanced take that he’s going for and his answers have done nothing to dissuade me.

Im sure Todd Phillips, director of the critically acclaimed School for Scoundrels, Hangover part 3, and the Starsky and Hutch remake has a lot of really interesting and mentally stimulating things to say about the fragility of male ego. Those God dang libs are treating him and this movie (that definitely won’t glorify

“Look at this as a way to sneak a real movie in the studio system under the guise of a comic book film.”

Movies have been made about bad guys before and dumb, young, white, males have misinterpreted them before.

I mean, this stuff didn’t happen at all when Logan was released and that was rated R and had a ton more violence and it didn’t happen when Watchmen was released and then had an R-rating and also a ton more violence. So I’m thinking that it’s this movie in particular and not, you know, “R-rated violent comic book

Speaking as someone who teaches the discipline, you strike me as the sort of person who comes into my 100-level courses declaring themselves “a WRITER” and then drops the second I apply a few lower-level corrections to your atrocious grammar and syntax—without ever bothering to look at the higher-order concerns with

I feel terrible for everyone at that performance of Betrayal. I think I saw in another piece about the incident that she was in the second or third row, center, so it’s likely that Tom, Charlie, and Zawe were at least somewhat aware that something odd was happening. I will admit to being a HUGE Hiddlestoner (even

I mean, to each their own, but I find him attractive.

There’s disturbing undercurrents of entitlement and boundary crossing in fangirl culture, and a play is one of the places where the performers are physically accessible.

You do not know how to do comparisons. 

Still not the victims themselves deciding.

We don’t have them do the judging or the sentencing. Which is what I said. Their testimony is part of investigating.

Brilliant to see the AV Club commentariat is now composed of people bravely standing up for men who rape 13-year-olds everywhere. How dare the rest of us care about such silly nonsense, when we could be concerned with FILM.

Feel free to go see Polanski’s new movie. Take your daughter.

Such a hot take.

Can’t decide whether I dislike the idea of this Joker film because the creators so proudly declared it would have “almost nothing” to do with the source material, or just because it already sounds so friggin’ overrated and it hasn’t even come out yet...