
I’ve watched two episodes so far and it’s mostly pretty good. Lee Pace as a magnificent a-hole villain and the underrated Terrence Mann as his older self is worth the price of entry alone, and the visuals are absolutely stunning. They seem to have taken the 1970s editions of the books with the Chris Foss covers and

That century was just warmer, you know?

I hope they all get drunk and decide to put on Yen’s clothes and use her megascope to contact the Lodge of Sorceresses! (Yes, most of my familiarity with the material is from Witcher III: Wild Hunt and Coën’s not there but still I want)

She has.  You aren’t actually listening.  

She has. Her advise and viable plan is to stop ignoring the 97% scientific consensus about climate change.

McGowan has become tiresome. This whole “Your activism isn’t good enough” thing isn’t helpful to anyone & it just makes her look more unhinged.

“You did something about a complex, huge problem, but it didn’t fix the entire problem, so the thing you did is WORSE than doing nothing at all!!!”

Came here for this, left strangely disappointed:

Internet: Great

I’m not sure if the internet has made us dumber or if it just amplifies the voice of stupid people making us seem dumber but it’s disconcerting.

Mass Effect.

Pedantic Weeb Time! Nothing about that production makes it an anime. Its being written and directed by North Americans by a Korean CG Studio. I get the definition of anime is evolving but that is stretching things a bit too far. A “Witcher CG Animation” is accurate.

It is very annoying how romantic relationships and sex scenes have to be crammed into almost goddamn everything.

The extended ending fixed all of my issues. Just show me a bit about each planet I went to and I am good. 

Three endings.

Calm it down it’s been seven years

Farrell has always been elevating whatever movie he’s in - I think he just got too much early-career “It Guy!” buzz without equivalent, major hits to hang his reputation on. Now people either think he’s a light-weight, or a has-been (or both).

I never really rated Farrell until I saw him in ‘The Lobster’. It’s one of the most effectively restrained performances I’ve ever seen on film.

The scene in the airplane, where Bullseye kills his seat mate with a peanut, is the best part of the entire movie.

Can I point out that Farrell playing Marvel Villain ‘Bullseye ‘ was the only remotely good thing to come out of Daredevil, so he has form.