
I'm very excited to see all the edge lords telling me this movie is great for the next however many years. 

Yeah, honestly, this movie is probably getting a hard skip from me regardless of quality.

Yet, the intended shock value is slightly offset by the film’s insinuation that Arthur is, even partially, justified. Others characters are threatening him. They’re bullying him. What choice does he have but to retaliate with a vengeance?“

Hooray for the mentally ill loner who devises a plan to kill as many innocent people as possible as an act of revenge for perceived slights from the “normies”...

A woman also put herself in the spotlight and subjected herself to death threats to her and her family, as well as her professional reputation of several decades, all in the name of making sure a sexual predator didn’t end up on our country’s highest court. If you can’t see the bravery and importance in that and why

I’m not going to waste my time on a woman’s website trying to explain to a man what it’s like having to live life on this planet as a woman, but I will shorthand this whole thread for you by saying that we’re tired of having to explain to commenters like Kev what basic respect and equality mean - it ain’t that hard to

You’re really trying to say Kavanaugh got railroaded when he’s SITTING ON THE SUPREME COURT? He’s still a victim somehow!?

You get to trust your instincts when they’re founded on a solid base: women are human being equal to men whose looks are entirely separate from their worth as humans.

So horrible men refuse to improve themselves and blame others. Knowingly.

We got to those results because men don’t like being what to do or how to act, and instead of just using common sense and respect a lot of you still like to hear yourselves pontificate and focus on why it’s so hard for you, and how can we still make this easier for you. You shouldn’t need “example scenarios” to know

I just don’t understand what’s so hard about it.

My mom works in HR for a county and does investigations when there are complaints/abuse of power. They recently got a complaint about a male manager not acting appropriately, so my mom interviewed a lot of the women who worked in that office and they all came back with the same complaint - that this guy would come up

So this is all it took to get men to shut the fuck up and leave us alone? 

Yesterday the guy at the counter at the little bitty liquor store I sometimes go to, and always joke around with when he’s there, complimented me on my dress. Then he stopped and said, “I’m sorry, I’m probably not supposed to say stuff like that.” I replied, “Of course you can! Everyone loves a good compliment. What

This dude seems like a prime candidate for “red pilling” MRA/8-chan bullshit, and I fear the reactions to him coming forward may only push him further into that world. Some of the comments I saw on the AV Cub post about this were pretty gross and dismissive, of thea man can’t be sexually assaulted,” variety. 

Is anyone surprised? Her first big song was called “Ur So Gay.” She hasn’t ever been the most mature.