Comrade Mime

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a game course correct so hard from the previous game as Street Fighter 6, but goddamn does every trailer I’ve seen of this bring the hype.

“Reading the manga will ruin the story” is an absolutely bizarre take.


There’s nothing more pathetic than some incel simping for Musk. Seek help.

SEO tactic. New people are playing the game so they’ll be searching online for quest tips.

Yeah, this is less a disappointment and more a confirmation of a building apprehension.

Was worried about it from the inital reveals, always looked like they looked the arkham template, tried to copy it (poorly), went halfway with a games-as-service/looter version, walked that back, and now got something that has none of the good points and all the bad points of that mishmash

lol Michael Myers

Considering that the game was expected to launch on Xbox One and PS4 up until late in development, AND it’s only at 30fps on the newer consoles, AND the high PC Specs fully indicate that this game is not well optimized.

To be silent is to be complicit in her own undervaluing. Will some jags label her difficult? Yep, and she won’t work with those difficult jags saving herself future headaches. There will also be people who admire her taking a stand and demanding to be paid what she is worth and will want to work with somebody with

And that’s why you should just cut your loses, decide to never work with them again and walk away without stirring the drama pot

VAs are increasingly talking about the shit pay they get, I think it’s good for her to continue to add to the conversation. 

corporate malfeseance should always be called out.  this isnt “stirring the drama pot”, its about workers’ rights!

can’t wait for the chodes to all rush in defending billion dollar corporations paying their talent poverty peanut wages.

Some things to take away from this a little bit extra:

Guarantee they have Alex Jones on speed-dial. But, uh, bad news, guys.

this one wouldn’t look out of place on this as well:

can someone who is better than me at photoshop please put this logo on the side?

stop whining you snowflake. no one forces you to be here

I’m trying to think of when I’ve seen a worse looking TPCV. (TPCV: tiny penis compensation vehicle)