Comrade Mime

I don’t really have any strong opinions on Crypto, but I’mma need a mustache added to Wattson’s new skin STAT.

What did Jason do?

Let’s be honest: with the way things are going right now, will anyone even be alive by November?

Probably shouldn’t put natto on the title image along side the words “makes you hungry.”

I remember being mildly excited for Revelation, after the decent first movie. Damn that was a disappointing film.

Kingdom Hearts-tier debating what makes a person shenanigans ensue until your vessels form Team VI

On the one hand catching a Dusclops is a horrifying idea, on the other hand once caught it does mean that the dusclops isnt out there, free, wondering around and eating people that had forgotten to mow their lawn for a while then tried to do it after it had already gotten “tall.

“Ms. Valentine, we were really surprised by how well your results turned out. We did more analysis - it turns out the T-virus mutated when it came into contact with a cold virus you picked up, and they ganged up on and ate a case of HPV you’ve probably had since birth. When they infected that Plagas egg, it released

oh man you missed some good stuff!

Hey, let’s not forget Sherry Birkin, who apparently ages at a slower rate than normal humans (?!) so that I guess moving forward she’ll always appear to be in her 20s.

He’s clearly had enough of people not continuing the Redfield bloodline.

It’s a damn shame that a job people used to consider a noble pursuit has to be drug into the gutter by the actions of a few who should never have been police in the first place.

Agree with the others. Please don't start exclusively doing videos.  We all enjoy reading over here

Thanks for the video that I’m not going to watch for something that could just as easily be text I could read at my own pace.

Hell yeah! My console collection has enough boring black boxes in it. This shit is many things, but boring isn’t one of them.

It is the most hilariously overdesigned piece of console tech I’ve ever seen and I am HERE for it. It’s like if Audi made a console. It’s like if Frank Lloyd Wright took a stab at an Apple product. The fucking thing has FINS for crying out loud! The only way it looks even more ridiculous is if it could do 0-60 in 9


Fuck this headline. I love it.


It’s a well-known meme. The guy is taking the piss out of racists.