Comrade Mime

Im so sick of the counterfeit $20 dollar bill b.s., do you know how easy it is to get a counterfeit bill?  I worked in a bank and the amount of people who handed me a counterfeit bill would blow your mind.  Hell Ive had ATM machines give me counterfeit bills before because unless you specifically know what to look for

Glad to hear you’re passing the ptsd of sonic drowning music to new generations lol. Weird as it sounds, I actually love the idea. 

Oh yeah, sure, let’s just pretend wealth, education, and opportunity gaps don’t exist and just tell brown people “Hey go make games if you want more games with brown people in them.” JFC dude. Practically all the people in charge of companies making games are white. They need to hire more POC. The onus is not on POC

No, what’s kind of shitty is that developers avoid using people of color in video games. I’m all for giving developers the freedom of their creativity but you can’t fucking tell me that casting a black man as the protagonist in any current triple-A video game would have changed anything about that game’s sales.

More black characters that aren’t overblown stereotypes!  Looking at you Barret Wallace!

More black characters in video games, period, for starters.

Ditto. Even if we can’t do a lot, we can sure as shit make sure the people in charge know where we stand.

Is there a large online community of BIPOC gamers that play together? I’m tired of having to play online games with racist shitheads.

> ANOTHER Final Fight d-list character
lol, you’re not wrong

I feel the same pain when there’s something about Street Fighter and there’s never anything about Necro.

She’s great too! But Zappa is #1 spooky boy.

Capcom was doing those artists a favor

It’s an MMO, it’s a living breathing thing that other people are interacting with. It’s not an NES game sitting on your shelf waiting for you.

I guess that’s one way to get people to resub? Although TBH if an MMO I stopped playing tried to clear out my stuff if I didn’t resubscribe I’d probably just beat them to the punch and sell my account.

...Speaking of which, I wonder what the going rate is for a LoL account with the PAX skins...?

And she pretty aggressively approached him while doing so, so much so that he had to tell her to keep her distance. She knew exactly the act to play.

“A protection agency”.

Kitana and Mileena actually hugging is the best thing I’ve seen in this game, altogether, and that’s from someone who loves the game overall.

It’s just so heartwarming.

You are a villain in X-Men

Counterpoint: Finneon