Pre downgrade footage. Same tricks. Same Ubisoft.
Pre downgrade footage. Same tricks. Same Ubisoft.
It looks very nice, but god was that... painfully artificial. Nobody talks like that when actually playing games. NOBODY. Either go full-ham RP mode and get immersed into the game, or talk like an actual human being. The mix of seriousness and lolling about loot was just eye rolling, made it hard to concentrate on the…
I uh... idk about this one, the other stuff Ubisoft has shown looks nice but i’v really gotta see the reviews on this game first, it’s giving me Destiny vibes, gameplay wise.
most of the people there are 40 anyways :D
Look, everyone! A non-sports, non-mobile, non-Star Wars EA game! It’s... it’s beautiful!
Every time I hand a man something soaked in my urine they run away.
Holy shit, that was great! LOVE the return of visible enemy projectiles, health packs, item pick ups, that echo pick-up with the hologram, and the new twist on the keycard system was pretty morbid and funny. Very fluid movement, and nice conservative use of the slow-mo effect. Could do with more variety in chainsaw…
I was playing through the original Quake the other day, and I had forgotten about the lack of BGM, and how much I missed it, having just played some Brutal Doom with that amazing metal remix pack.
Yeah, what has community mapmaking ever gotten us besides literally the entire MOBA gaming market?
Awkward zombie, anyone?
Another cool SF stage would be the one with the car, since Smash has the ability to break background scenery and the car was famous for people smashing it.
Loving the stage background but wish the fighting was really on rooftops rather than platforms. Would be pretty damn epic
There would be no riot. The audience would gather together as a resigned, sympathetic mass to smother Square Enix with a pillow while whispering that they loved them, but it’s for the best. Sort of sweet, in a way.
Fallout 4 is all well and good, but I would prefer a new single player TES game. A Dishonored sequel would be well deserved as well.