Once again proving my theory that once you’ve gone over the hill, all the fucks you had to give are gone as well.
Once again proving my theory that once you’ve gone over the hill, all the fucks you had to give are gone as well.
Not to mention Romani.
Sweden is starting to look like a very nice place to live.*
Nerf Now works better with all the realted strips.
Final Fantasy VII proves that sometimes terrorism is the answer to self governing mega corporations.
I disagree, there’s not enough Tiger.
harada on twitter “ REMEMBER, SHE NOT HUMAN ANYMORE”
The reason is her devil gene. If I recall correctly, she was the first one to get it or something.
Not when they’re primarily concerned with getting more white women to be CEOs.
I am not a frequent commenter anymore and am cast into the greys but, can I take part in this conversation? The rallying cry of “The Personal is Political” has become easily eaten up into the fluff of consumer faux feminism because “empowerment” is now a code word for anything that feels good. This is also precisely…
Do you think that commercial feminism will ever address the needs of the most disenfranchised, though?
Whiskey already tastes like softcore porn, sweaty and hype-filled and much ado about nothing. Move on to the hardcore kink of scotch - your tongue will thank you for it.
Progressivism eats it’s own tail while true power laughs and profits.
Because each bottle is 12 years old
The persistent irony I find with many white feminists... they’re typically from one of the most privileged groups in our society and yet spend much of their time focused on their perceived lack of privilege.
fair enough, seems like Jez comment section loves ignoring race though. And I know there are black women who don’t post here because of it.
Aw, jeez.
This is exactly right. I think we may have to get off of the internet in order to find the kind of feminism we’re looking for. :-\
You don’t need to actually write “regardless of anything the British will tell you” in a food article. It’s always implied. The only good thing about British food is that they all know it’s terrible, so send all of their cooks to learn in other countries, like France, and eat a lot of Indian food.