
"Russell, that gifted conductor of screwball chaos…nailed…unsuspecting consumers…while browsing for Blu-Rays at Best Buy"

A refreshingly frank response there from johnnyb

The "wolfie" monologue and what happened after will always be my #1, but yeah that one was pretty good.

Bon Jourrrr was great but not as quotable in my opinion since its been done to death

I was agreeing with him up to the second part of his critique where things went worryingly wrong.. Doc Quack was aptly named..

"Ya call this a soccer riot?? C'mon boys lets take 'em to skewl!"
Groundskeeper Willies third most quotable line behind:
"Then grease me up women!" and
"Hey Wolfie! Put down that hors d'oeuvres! It's time for the main course!"

Let's its sheer awfulness absorb you, the slightly off centre camera, awkward posing, poor lighting, baffled instead of intimidating facial expressions, footwear from second-guy-on-the-left…everything

As much as I hate to spoil a fine putdown..you can't put an umlaut over e, only ö,ü and ä

Liked the genre? Stylistic choice? I dunno, my issue isnt that he created a Pulp/Noir story because I happen to love that genre. The thing is Sin City is so fantastically over-the-top that it flies into self-parody and I dont know if Frank Miller knew that when he was writing it.

The sausage is just one long roll of butter

I liked his use of the word "silly" because that's precisely what it was.. childish, moronic and barely even worth the effort to type that tweet

You can never uncanadianize yourself.. he is forever marked..

Yeah, 300 is also kind of insane and I while I don't think he supports fascism like people accuse him of, I could see him as part of the Patriot movement or those mountain militia groups pretty easily.

Well if you go through his old comics, many people in the industry wildly consider them to be homophobic and misogynistic, see the third image down here for an example:

To me it does. I know there are people who can separate Art from the artist, I am not one of those.. Sin City is fun to watch because if its ridiculously over-the-top hyper-masculine pulp that I would've thought was the definition of cool when i was 15.

Sorry, kind of unrelated, but after staring at it for 5 minutes I have to get this off my chest..

I've never noticed him been particularly bad, just hammy in a toned-down sort of way. The worst I can say about him is he comes across like a failed action star in most of his drama roles.

I am so happy that the AVclub is now replicating the drama that I go on the AVclub to avoid. It really shows how complex the community has become

I think Clive Owen was a good choice to portray "cynical Film Noir stereotype #14356" because according the philosophy of this movie to be a real man you have to talk in a boring monotone and give stupid voiceovers to everything.

Yeah, but that reflects more on the morality of the film then whether the characters good or not.