Cloud Cover

This is an awesome piece. That’s all I’ve got to say, but I needed to say it.

The Man of Steel hate is killing me. It is no where NEAR bad enough to have watching it be compared to playing Superman 64.

Wow, they really took “eagle vision” to the next level in this one didn’t they? I guess they’re explaining the origins of the term in the other games. I can already see the quote on the back of the box: “This time it’s an ACTUAL eagle”

Infamous Second Son or Rayman Legends?

Why do Nintendo refrain from doing an actual press conference in the vein of all the other publishers and do Nintendo Live or whatever its called?

Is e3 cool?

Do you have any predictions for whether Sucker Punch and/or Rocksteady will announce their next games? Any inside info?

I really want to download this mod and do a full play-through ‘cause having all of Troy Baker’s Joel lines coming out of Tess’ mouth would be hilarious. And weird. Hilariously weird.

Wow. This is a great article.

Aw man. I wasn’t sure if I even wanted a Last of Us Part II. Oh well, looks pretty cool. Ellie looks bad ass. Can’t wait.