
I’m surprised the photos didn’t come up.

I don’t believe that married men live longer than unmarried ones, it just feels longer.

Trump’s tax returns probably won’t show income or loans from Russia; it’s dirty money in cash or laundered through the Bank of Cyprus. This will take sophisticated forensic accounting. Meanwhile cherchez la fille: Ivanka is most likely the family bag man.

Hey Kara, no joke, if you ever remove Shady Baby Kara from the main image, my soul is going to die a little bit.

Your mission is to befriend her and turn her to our side (if she isn’t already). Good luck, soldier.

I shared this last week, but I finally decided to go to law school, got a scholarship, committed to a school, and was pretty nerve-wracked about it. I haven’t told many people yet, just close family.

You guys. You guys.

I’m sorry I had to stop at “this generation’s Dolly Parton” and ask what that means, because I have heard Miley attempting and butchering “Jolene” and it is tragic.

The current President has 5 kids by 3 women and his two previous marriages ended due to his serial infidelity and he pretty clearly wants to fuck one of his daughters but it’s Obama getting turned down for a marriage that’s news.

Hillary: I take full responsibility for the mistakes my campaign made. Also, there were external forces that shifted the final vote.

A “pucker” of assholes?

Not unles FOX dumps the morning show FOX and Friends

“after she publicly disclosed she suffers from hysteria of the lady parts”

Talked about a gross vag issue? They probably stopped at the word uterine in the description. Besides, its a mental illness lady vapors disorder, not a real one!

Ugh, that’s what got me too. As if one can only be deserving of compassion if they died of an “acceptable” disease. Died of an addiction, depression, suicide? Oh well, they did it to themselves. Fuck ‘em.

I hate douchbro penis measuring, but honestly if some asshat said those kind of things about my recently deceased sibling and then tried to brush it off because it’s ok to rag on drug addicts but not cancer patients (like wtf Chachi!) I would go out of my way to destroy the asshat in any way I could think of. I don’t

Fuck off, Baios. Lesbian Shitasses 4 Lyfe!

Love her. “Do it on my twin bed” is an all-time fave.

I’m a compassionate person. I’m very heartbroken over her passing, especially since it was cancer.