It was bad enough before Gawker shuttered. Now we have triple the creepazoids.
It was bad enough before Gawker shuttered. Now we have triple the creepazoids.
This is almost comforting, because it feels like a throwback to Bush-era smarmy conservatism, rather than the unpredictable LOL NOTHING MATTERS Trumpism.
I’m a Board officer of a small, 501c3 nonprofit with low overhead... and we’re absolute peanuts compared to these huge foundation charities, because we’re all-volunteer. We raise and donate between 100-150K/year, and we work our ASSES off for that money.
Totally agree with your entire comment, except that we probably shouldn’t treat him like a rapist, because it would be nice if he had to face some consequences at some point.
You have no idea what you’re talking about! :-)
“I was a football jock in high school and he was some nerd I didn’t know, which is why I awarded him with a lucrative patronage.”
Christie is Voldemort and Wildstein is Wormtail.
Listen, if you’re writing a news article or a scientific paper, there are style rules you should follow, but personally?... I’m all for ALL the punctuation (!) to express yourself properly in. the. comments.
“positions” lol
Considering that the headlines already are, “Donald Trump reverses position on Obama’s birthplace” etc, my hope is quickly waning.
Maybe the problem is that there isn’t a single trick they could write about for getting him to empty the dishwasher...
Ah, but she’s not Clara there.