Sometimes, the most deceitful politicians flip flop depending on what group they’re talking to at the time, so you can’t discern what their actual position is.
Sometimes, the most deceitful politicians flip flop depending on what group they’re talking to at the time, so you can’t discern what their actual position is.
Yeah, honestly? I need 24 New Ideas for Keeping Conversation Civil!... the bedroom part isn’t much of an issue for me. But I guess that doesn’t look as good on a magazine cover.
Yes. Every trashy ladymag has an article every month with ‘new’ sex tricks. And they’re somehow always the same sex tricks. It’s almost magical.
10/10, would buy your trashy ladymag
She’s also very pretty, and ::cough:: successful in business ::cough until I choke::
30 Dirty Tricks to Heat Up Your Voting Booth! (Hint: at least two involve ice cubes.)
Hey Peter Thiel, didn’t know you were a commenter here! Those damn suffragettes, fighting for the equal right to vote, huh? Sucks that people born with penises don’t have all the power anymore, just most of it.
I am a woman and I’ve weighed more than that, and he’s fatter and much taller than I’ve ever been, so.
If you see the Dr Oz clip, there’s a moment where he compliments Donald on his high testosterone level, and raises his eyebrows, so yeah, I’m right there with you. Made me want to vomit a lil’ bit.
A couple of nights ago, I went to a forum put on by the League of Women Voters for my local city council candidates. One candidate took an opportunity during a question about the (decreasing) crime rate and a teenager that was recently killed to take a shit on single mothers. Another candidate answered a question…
The governor’s administration independently made the decision to switch the water source in order to save a minuscule amount of money from the budget. And then the governor’s office ignored, then denied that there was anything wrong with the water for well over a year. That administration is currently spending…
He’s a con man. He’s got the BEST cons.
He’s RIGHT, the situation there IS a result of so many different failures... of the Snyder administration. But whaaaaat, Hillary is at fault?!?!? What the fuck does she have to do with the local government of Flint, the state government of Michigan, or even the damn EPA (if you want to throw the Feds in the mix)?
Or maybe Alexis had supportive siblings who know his or her wishes better than we do.
I don’t know how Robert Arquette feels about it, but the other family members have always been very publicly supportive of the gender identity stuff, and I expect that Patricia and David wouldn’t have let Robert make the statement on behalf of the family using male pronouns if they felt it was disrespectful?
The official statement from Robert used male pronouns, and the tweets etc from the rest of the family were careful to avoid pronouns. I think maybe Alexis didn’t feel like he or she was comfortably on one end of a gender spectrum towards the end.
oh yeah Pence is TERRIBLE and he would set us back 50 years as President... but at least he could probably avoid blundering us into a nuclear war?
she IS human! Sometimes I have doubts
Pneumonia is an infectious disease of the lungs that can be caused by a virus or bacteria, and on rare occasions, a fungus.