
President H Clinton: Worst case scenario, Hillary dies from pneumonia and we get President Kaine.

Normally I am anti-public proposals, but if Our Lady and Savior Beyonce signs off on it... CUTEST THING EVER. You go right ahead, you’re an adorable couple.

“Unconditional Surrender” here in San Diego (that title skeeves me out lol)

My personal favorite Trump religious moments are:

Good luck with your asparagus, asshole

Except, if I’m not mistaken, Bennifer 1.0 broke up BEFORE Brad and Jen I think?

We can always count on you to have a unique understanding of female anatomy, Sipowitz

Do you not remember the insanity that ensued with the announcement that we were changing the $20 bill? Americans do not like change.

I think we’ll probably give Puerto Rico, Guam, AND Washington DC statehood all at the same time just to avoid updating the flag too many times. Better to have one shitstorm all at once rather than three over a decade or so.


Thanks for sharing your very informed and empathetic perspective.

I JUST (like 30 sec ago) watched one of his surrogates who goes on MSNBC a lot, Boris Epshteyn, who liiiiiiiiiies like it’s his fucking job (oh wait yeah I guess it is), just try and steamroll the conversation with “that’s not the full context of what he said” (yes it fucking was, it was a tweet) and “what he meant to

I have a close friend who works in GIS for an engineering firm. She has worked for them for 10 years. Of course as one of the few women in the office, she’s the one who organizes all the charity work the company participates in, she organizes the office potlucks celebrating whatever, etc etc. She always gets great

Like I said, not being complacent - I’m personally doing everything one person with one vote can do to get other people to vote for Hillary. However, the abundant data shows that we’ll be FINE and I’m not about to lose sleep over it.

holy shit guys, do NOT un-grey the pic from pooperscooper and FLAG THAT SHIT PLEASE

You have no idea why CPS was involved, because it’s not protocol for them to announce why they’re investigating someone. A mandated reporter could have called them about something else entirely and it could be coincidence; you don’t know. The fact is that YOU are the only one who jumped to the conclusion that Weiner

An ex of mine used to heckle comedians (and embarrass the shit out of me)... he was usually SUPER drunk when he did it, but even when he was sober, he defended his behavior with pride. His take on it was that it was all part of the experience of going to a comedy show, and the comedians expect to be heckled. My take

Slightly off-topic, but if you’re at the point where you regularly abbreviate “ad-hominem” into “ad-hom,” you are arguing WAY TOO MUCH on the internet. And I say that as someone who is addicted to Kinja. Maybe you should take a few days off, enjoy some nature or something, and stop being an ass.