
He has to be polling 15% to be invited. So maybe? Probably not?

Laurie’s face. She has the BEST face always.

Last night, ass firmly on sofa, I pressed the voice command button on my remote control and said “medal count,” at which point my TV automatically brought up the medal standing table, showing the US being way far ahead of everyone else, and then thought to myself, “The US doesn’t WIN anymore!” and laughed and laughed

(ssshhhhhh he’s white and has a lot of medals it’s cool)

We were all taught every day in school to stand facing the flag with our right hand over our heart during the Pledge. The flag code is interesting to learn about and follow if you’re feeling a little jingoistic, but not compulsory, because First Amendment.

What I’m saying is that they were already running away from those goals established by party leadership even before the rise of Trump. There’s a total vacuum of leadership, and there is no unifying ideology, except to be anti various things, and now it’s getting to the point where they can’t even agree on what they’re

You, and everyone else on this thread, are making great points that you have clearly thought about a LOT. However, the assumption that the Republican party will reform their platform and political apparatus in the wake of Trump is the assumption that the choice of Trump was based on ideology, and that the party will


Attention: please don’t click to reveal any of dendros’s pictures, and flag him.

Oh hey guys FYI, you make a good point, he’ll dismiss you. Doesn’t even want to give women credit for being smarter than him. :-(


People started calling you a troll after you started freaking out about how people were jumping down your throat. I’m just saying, if you’re gonna state an opinion on the internet, people might disagree with you, so you should be prepared for that.

“natural charisma” = penis

“Jumping down my throat”

Now playing

Got news for ya... that picture isn’t *so 90s* - that was solidly mid-aughties. My college boyfriend and I were obsessed with this video circa 2003:

I have a 13-year-old niece (not technically related, but I’m the funny single best friend of her mom’s who she knows better than her mom’s sisters) who is obsessed with a number of youtube celebrities. She and her friends gossip like we all did at their age (still do sometimes tbh), but instead of movie stars or their

Yeah, I can’t wait to see what he decides to do as an ex-president... I’d love to see him blaze a totally different path than our other recent presidents. In any case, he’s all about the public service, so you’re right.

lol I’m so glad you told me that story about your dad though... put a huge smile on my face. My dad isn’t with us anymore, but he was pretty sexist, and I’d like to think that if he was still alive, I could make him come around.

As long as you’re coming from a genuinely good place, you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be willing to learn. We’re happy to have you. :-) I can tell you’re doing it right, because this thread started with questions rather than declarations. And FWIW you have my permission to call yourself a feminist