She’ll be eligible in another 17 years or so... Malia Obama 2032!
She’ll be eligible in another 17 years or so... Malia Obama 2032!
I was using shorthand for a trope we’re used to hearing. Men go about living their lives, and suddenly become feminists because they have daughters, or their wife gets sexually harassed, or their mom can’t get healthcare, or or or, etc. It’s a bug for a lot of us because it’s like, you didn’t worry about the equal…
That’s awesome! We should all be so lucky to have an equal relationship like your parents’ as a model to help us figure all this out.
I generally agree that it’s frustrating when men begin to embrace feminist ideology through their relationships with women, rather than recognizing women as independent human beings deserving of equal rights irrespective of their relationships to men.
lol I have no idea what exactly you’re trying to imply, but I’m pretty sure that whatever it is, it’s really really dumb.
by relentlessley making fun of Bernie’s supporters, calling them “Bernie Bros”
He’s got quite the talent for creating a public health crisis - defund Planned Parenthood so that you can reroute that money to gay conversion therapy programs, and voila! You eliminate your needle-sharing prevention programs, HIV testing in small towns, and increase back-alley abortions, all with the smallest amount…
The BEST thing was the flood of pictures on social media afterwards of little girls staying up late, watching her speech on TV.
OOOOOoooooo I will check that out and then start buying lottery tickets, thanks!
They’re much more charming than annoying! To me, anyway... I’m a yankee who has lived in the South and lives on the West coast, and I love an ass-kicking Texas woman, and I love that Chip is a goofball who clearly understands that his wife is the boss.
desk flask??? Scandalous!
You’re my enemy now. :-(
That’s adorable! Good for your dad.
Hillary was a staunch Democrat by her sophomore year of college, organizing civil rights and anti-war protests.
This is a punchline to a funny joke, but I missed the premise. :-( Who did he say is eating falafel?
There it is! Thanks!