
Seems like they disavowed Trump faster than he disavowed David Duke.

I haven’t worn overalls since high school, and they looked terrible on me. :-( The risk of the straps going somewhere wet hadn’t even occurred to me!

lol you shoulda scrolled down a bit to see my later comments

You didn’t provide enough information for a proper judgment. How big a bladder do you have/are you comfortable with the idea of getting entirely undressed in a public restroom just to pee?

So true! I’m not the happiest singleton, but I’d rather be single than miserable in a pointless relationship and pretending like I wasn’t.

It would also make the Trump campaign look pretty dumb if they released a statement revealing that they’d done something forbidden by federal law.

I’ve been the perpetually single one since high school... you know how you go through a phase where all your friends are getting married, and then there’s the everyone is having babies phase? I’m now in the second everyone is getting a divorce phase. Happened in my late 20s (with the ones that got married too early),

But in the best way.

I’m in my mid 30s and single as can be, and meanwhile, all the happy couples I thought I knew are imploding around me... so this story is a nice antidote to that. I hope he doesn’t cheat on her with his best friend’s girlfriend while they have an infant daughter... seriously, that’s the height of the bar right now for

A few years back, they played a free concert at a community festival I went to, and I could not BELIEVE how many hits they have... I always liked 3eb, I graduated high school in 2000 and I’m a middle class white kid, so I’m the right audience. But they played song after song that was a big hit, and I was like, that’s

Apparently they have a lot of mid-aughties Eurotrash going to their mosque.

I’m gonna hope for their sakes that the mosque has functioning A/C.

oh nooooooo that suuuuuucks. They should know better in Florida.

Why, that’s the very same hero teen highlighted earlier today by Gawker’s main page. He gets around.

My mom is pretty badass most of the time.

This is a compromise that I endorse

When I was a kid, my mom ran her own self-publishing business out of our house. It wasn’t the most successful business and money was SUPER tight, but she published the summer program catalog for my girl scout camp, and they paid her with a barter - my sister and I could spend all the time we wanted at girl scout camp.

Know what Facebook spends time policing?