
Why are people taking this as a political thing? I don’t think he was talking to just one side of the American political isle, he was talking about the general concept that we are all turning into self-righteous fucks that can’t stand up to the same scrutiny that we lay on others.

“The world is messy. There are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws.”

I think he’s entirely right, and I think you pulled perhaps the best example of why. Predictably, the people who are most upset by this spend their time waging progressive revolution on corporate platforms like Facebook and Twitter while obsessing over a carefully manicured persona cultivated to gain maximum

A lot of you obviously not listened to what he actually said. He’s not talking about Trump supporters. He’s not talking about cancelling people like R Kelly or even Kanye West. He’s talking about the tendency for people online to go after people who are otherwise supporters of the cause for comments that they might