Dashing Leper

Best case scenario is that they develop the Nuevo Paraiso portion of the map and re-open Mexico concurrently as an RDO map as well as a Single-Player expansion (either as John catching up with Sadie while she journeys south, or perhaps you can choose to play as Sadie and take advantage of the female clothing options

There are three GameStop locations within a mile of each other where I live (there’s the one in the mall, one next door to the Target just across the street, and one by the WalMart down the road in the opposite direction). It’d be hilarious if they kept all three locations running into next year.

“Bah! They all said sequestration was going to destroy the military. And when we actually went through with it, we still had all our ships, tanks, and planes the very next morning!”

Because that’s how Bolton found the letter: Jammed into his office door with a Post-It that read “Sign this and bring it over to my secretary immediately.”

The opposite, fact. For the past two weeks you earned double the usual gold from Daily/Weekly Challenges. Possibly as a means to give new players a chance at starting one of these roles.

For the past week I’ve been getting one whole bar of gold for every Daily Challenge that I completed. Where have you been?

My appreciation of pussy ass is far less than yours, but that is all because my cat has no respect for personal space.


Will the Epic Games Store still be around in the eight years it will take for Elder Scrolls 6 to drop?

Both love and hate are passions, the devotion of one’s attentions and actions according to the influence of the object. Indifference is the opposite of passion.

“We handed out copies of the press release. You got one, right? Why ask questions? Just publish that!”

Isn’t that true for everyone?

Kansas representative recounts their experience in the Navy.

Hide them in the side mirrors?

I wonder how feasible it would be to move those fractal antennae from the shark fin on the roof to housings in the side mirrors as a means to clean up the outer mold line.

They’ve already talked about that. How staff wake up every morning putting out the fires Trump sets via Twitter Toilet Time.

Same map, different circumstances. There’s no Native settlement at Wapiti. Plus, though it’s set nine years before the epilogue of the single-player story, Armadillo is already a ghost town (that’s one long-lasting plague).

Most of the Land of Opportunities story missions were bounty hunter tasks.

That price wouldn’t even cover the cost of fuel for heat treatment.

Bonus points cone later when they’ll exclaim “How could we have known the ice caps were going to melt away when for years we never heard a thing! The scientists really dropped the ball on that one!”