
I don’t think they ever said it’d fit flat... Surely it’d fit rolled up or folded in half? ;)

what crawled up your ass???? They were challenging and fun. And the maps is accurate, just the “hero mode” isn’t down to the resolution of the labyrinth obviously, who the freak cares!? Oh you for some odd reason, crickets...

OMG, I love, I mean LOVE 6, 9, and 12! They’re my favorites too. Still bummed they never did a remake or HD port of 6 though

Curious what they did w/ Ch 13, I never read up on what changes they wanted to make but I didn’t think it was all that bad. I blew through the 2nd half of the game. Sure it was odd and Ch 13 went on for a long, long time, but I didn’t mind the change in pacing throughout too much.

I guess that’d work but annoying you’d then have to switch accounts just to play games from different regions (if you buy them from the eshop). Hopefully the accounts all share the same wallet and the Japanese eshop is still in English (as an option). They should just let you access content from any region via a

I was excited about Bomberman too. Doesn’t seem like a full price game though (not much new since all the old ones, just a solid game on a new platform, plus I’m cheap). The flames just look wrong too, should be just more cartoony...