Das Enden

Jennifer Rubin at WaPo. Though I can’t remember the last time she wrote an op-ed that wasn’t critical of Trump or the Republican party, so by the logic of the right that means she is a raging leftist. It is an article of faith of conservatives that the right is utterly above criticism, which means that anyone who

He’s a member of what we can now call the Derp State.


Hola, Amigos. I know it’s been a long time since I rapped at ya, but things have been pretty fucked up...”

Me Hate He.

Because, especially if you’re retired, there’s not a waking moment you can’t spend ensconced in the right-wing media bubble. Websites are constantly updated, local and national talk shows are on throughout the day, and just when their programming is starting to lag, it’s the evening and you can tune into the evening

“Disgraced Former Judge Moore, is that a banana in your pocket, or a husband bulge in your pocket?”


Pretty sure Tim’s saying “NEED MORE POW-DAH!”

After all the steroids, that inch is very valuable to him.

Make sure to get consent first though

You’re right. If “the media” had been doing its job a year and a half ago the entire country would have already known that the gassy orange dotard’s entire persona was a fraud AND that he’s been in bed (and snuggled under the covers) with Russia for many years. But they played along with the dancing clown for ratings

“My hand didn’t really grab your ass. It was just a random collision of atoms, set in motion at the beginning of time.”

If you like your doctor by cellphone light, you can keep your doctor by cellphone light.

It’s not about the flag. It’s about black people speaking up. It doesn’t matter what form the protests take, white people will get offended.