
...and to think, he was once a Ranger. Sigh.

Two things:

Easy Malkin goal?  There aren’t many people in the world who can finish that play so quickly and smoothly as a lefty shot.  Sweet pass, but the finish is impeccable too.

Mindfucked, score, condon

How far from a school are you legally required to live?

I misread “Barstool” as “Boston” the first time I saw the headline.

Aren’t they supposed to be talking about sports?! What the fuck kind of business says “Well sure we pay you to talk about sports but if you want to openly talk about masturbating that works too.”?!?!?!

I see Chloe Kim, I’m thinking Khloe Kardashian, Kim [Kardashian], I don’t want to deal with that.

When Natalie Portman recently shared her experience with males being very explicit in private and public about her sexualization far prior to her 18th birthday, it was sobering. Sadly, it was lost in the haze of speeches for the women’s march on 1/20/18 and the #MeToo movement’s daily enumeration of horrible people

Minimum of 1 pending sexual assault charge as well.

give ESPN time. They’ll they’ll be throwing cash at her to do their Bodies Issue the day after she turns 18. .

Paging Bret Stephens.

Nah. Just give them the death penalty.

Who knows better what a hot piece of ass looks like than a giant piece of shit?

Who listens to these idiots?

[Citation Needed]

Is it bad that my first instinct was this is another WEEI show?

I was impressed that NBC didn’t show glamour photos of every snowboarder like ESPN does in the Winter X Games. I’m still not sure a couple of them weren’t robots.

100% of Barstools target demo has greek letters on their shirts while watching, and has at least 2 pairs of Sperry’s.