
Or ended up with many lost pets being rescued?

The actor is a great actor, but in order to get in the role and went method, and joined a college improv troupe for the better part of a year.

Was/is Grosse Point Blank Akroyd's last good movie?

All I had to do was go back in time and keep the school bully from raping my mom!

Oh go sit in a puddle.

People are really hating on this show, and while I see how odd putting the characters are, I'm honestly a fan of many of the situations they're in.

Free Savage is the best thing in this show.

I also remember when every other cartoon was about some sort of animal that did extreme sports.

Remember when the commercials that ran during Saturday morning cartoons had story arcs?

Honestly I would rather go into a movie with low expectations.

Baby Driver made me realize how super hero movies have saturated "action scenes" too much.

People keep worrying about Pence, but when the next hurricane hits New Orleans, I'm certain who I don't want in charge.

I mean, The Ranch is getting a third season.

Vanilla ice cream conspiracy theorists.

I think once you "make it" in the news it is nigh impossible to get knocked down a peg.

I don't recall him being in it, but it's a decent comic and movie, I'm honestly just glad they got Mark Hamil in it.

Animal wants how much do play the drums?! Fuck it, I'm doing him a favor, he'd spend it all on blow anyway!

Mini-Rant: Bowie's casting in Labyrinth is up there with some of the most well casted roles in history. It wasn't necessarily his performance, which was great, but the fact that David Bowie, the man himself represented SO much that had to do with the role, that could not have been done successfully without him.

This and Super Girl seem to have some loyal fans, and I can't make it past the pilot of either one.

Is there a way you can short on a show like it were a stock?