
I have no words, only rage and sadness and a tiny flicker of hope that the more that is said, the less ground there is to stand on for those who would defend the world's cruelties as "just the way it is"

I'm loathe to critique other people's cosplay, especially when they've put in a lot of work as the designer for this outfit obviously has. However, I don't think this is the best it could be, and that's sad to me. There's several construction flaws, and, IMHO, some overall design flaws that don't work to the model's

Serious: I'm curious/sad about what "grave consequences" might mean for those women.. and scared shitless thinking it likely involves systematic physical/mental/emotional abuse.

Non-Serious: WWJD? Apparently act like that cliche character on every non-fantasy hentai game - you know the one that steals panties from the

No, it was way beyond repair. Thankfully, it wasn't the only heirloom, and it wasn't even my great-grandpa's favorite work he did, it was just the ... showiest? for lack of a better term. There were also some beaded and woven shirts with shell & bone scrimshaw that he loved almost more than family lol

All of his NA

Because Hollywood is so grounded in reality, especially with giant blockbusters. :P

When all of this, and the Martin murder, went down, I was living in Florida. The number of stupid racist white people who shrugged and said the "little n*****" deserved what he got, and Alexander should/would die for stepping up to "her man".

Yeah, I don't live there anymore, and never will again.

I had a handcrafted headdress that my great-grandpa made for me (half Native American, half Spanish. He never knew his heritage, as his mother was forcibly removed as a child and grew up the "Indian Daughter" of some pioneers) that I absolutely loved. I brought it to school for cultural awareness month, and got

I want to be nice.. but seriously, what kind of terrible editor lets that get through? I expect more accurate reporting from the professionals at OK!

It's almost as if they don't care about accuracy, and just want to dish.

Wasn't very interested in the game, but your stirring narrative has won me over.

I don't want to, it makes me sad :(

Every sportsseason we get another "well meaning" and "friendly" pile of advice crap from women like this.

I understand sportsing's not everyone's cuppa, but.. can we just.. stop? At this point in sports entertainment, and as social animals, people know how to act. We have internet, it is glorious. For those who don't

Guurl please. No kid is emotionally mature enough to play through some of the messed up GTAV scenes. I'm an adult and I can't even deal with that shit sometimes.

The only "training" I've done with my husband is teaching him how to cook in exchange for teaching me PHP.

People who have to change their SOs make me sad - you fell in love/lust with them the way they are, and now you demand change. Change happens naturally, and easily, when two people communicate their needs and

Wow. Thank you for this. I'm struggling with depression myself, and so much of what you wrote here left me with my jaw hanging. Seriously. Thank you for unequivocally proving that I am not as alone and strange as I thought I was, and for helping me realize some things that I had guessed at, but didn't fully understand


They're citizens of UAE, not Saudi Arabia. It's still not cool, but no lives uprooted - just a professional event that was missed (which also sucks)