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    No, Glenn died because he did in the comic book

    How funny was that when Gerald and Dildo met under a bridge?

    How does it work? I'm not seeing any issues to read


    I too had that thought early on when i first saw Carlos, due to the similar appearances, and the creators comments.
    But its not really supported within the game unfortunately.
    If anything, i now believe that a fourth game will hapen

    They ended up breaking with quite a few things they've said about the third game in the past.
    Such as having Dio in this game in some capacity. Or giving closure for some of the 999 characters.
    Im okay with it if we're getting a fourth game.
    The teleporter was a ridiculous deus ex machina though

    I got to thinking about this when i realized that Radical 6 was barely even mentioned in the game, and that only a single ending featured its release.
    VLR build it up so much, that i went into ZTD assuming that pretty much every bad ending would result in Radical 6 breaking out.
    then i realized that it only exists to

    Do you think that Zero made that sure that the only timelines that exist, are A.) Radical 6 happens so that he can be born
    B.) Mankind is destroyed by the unknown terrorist
    C.) Radical 6 is prevented and our ZTD group gets out?

    This isn't necessarily true. There are instances where the characters are affected by outcomes outside of the respective timelines in which this happens.
    Furthermore, as the game does not tell you which segments go with which other teams segments, you can never be fully sure which ones stick right away.

    Team America should have been #1

    And here i thought he was doing 'Beetleguise'

    My problem was that when i was kid, neither me nor any of my friends owned a Sega

    I honestly felt sorry for Cercei.
    She got what she always wanted, but its totally empty.
    After all of her incompetence, i had also not expected her to EVER take over.

    Kinda figured this feature needed to go into overtime after that bloodbath

    I think that definitely should have been reflected in the odds

    I still think her odds should be much higher given Davos's reveal. If only her prediction of Arya and her meeting is keeping her safe, then that would still come closer to prediction their meeting than her safety

    That doesn't matter quite so much i think.
    After all, she's failed at prophecy quite a bit.

    Totally disagree about Melisandre's odds.
    Davos figuring out Shireen's fate last week puts it on the table

    I honestly did feel for Rickon.
    I mean… the fact that we haven't heard from him really told me that the kid never even got a chance.
    That bummed me out, i gotta admit

    Cheryl's 'Planet of the Apes' outburst cracked me the f*** up.