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    Ray IS a main cast member.
    dont confuse him with Slater

    Not enough Ser Pounce

    Exactly, and naivete

    This is true.
    But it was always GRRM intention to use resurrection to show these characters lose thing that were integral to their characters.

    ouch, Joffrey WAS the worst

    It was certainly off.
    Although, i guess the main cause of the ensuing destruction was Daniel going crazy, but still.

    they aren't. But they had better reasons to do what they did.
    family beats out honor

    Ah, this is true.
    but i like the concept that the good guys did more damage with their honor than the villains could have with their pragmatism

    One thing that i found noteworthy about this series is that the protagonist of Season 1, Ned Stark, basically began this series of tragic events.
    The Lannisters, were really more right than him in his pragmatism. It wasn't their idea to start a civil war right as winter was beginning.

    Well…Kats face was on the promotional material

    I am seriously wondering whether the Nights Watch will hate Jon for his betrayal.
    But i'm loving the new Jon, death has really changed him significantly, the old him would have never attempted to fight for the Stark name

    I don't want to see Hodor as a white walker

    damn……goodbye Hodor, you were one of the best characters

    I think Nicks motive and decision made more sense than the reviewer realizes.
    I mean, look at facts, these people gave you food and safety, they opened their compound to you. And what do they do? They destroyed it, and for what? Just because they kept a few walkers.

    "What happened?"
    "Somebody said 'asshole' in spanish"

    Only Game of Thrones can make me cheer for the death of a child

    I think removing Jon from the Nights Watch is a major move.
    Brans visions have now put us on the cusp of revealing the answer to a mystery that has existed since episode 1 (Ned's promise to Lianna)

    That'd be Sir Davos.
    Anyway, the poster was referring to the actor, not the character, which was a pretty cool tidbit of information.
    Stannis only sons are pickled jar fetus's

    ah, thats where you were going, cuz i was super confused

    He's hanging it with The Hound and Syrio Forel