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    Stannis had a daughter

    Cuz i like it.

    they hype is the worst part tho.

    7 doesn't need any defending.
    Its basically #1 no matter what we say.

    Thats just it though, it really was my first FF game.
    Afterwards i played FF4, 5 and 6 while waiting on 8.
    FF9, 6 and 5 are now my fav's

    i remember that.
    . still have that guide.
    and its pages are filled with GameFAQ's printouts from me

    Oh yea, its good for sure, just overrated.
    FF9 is better in every way nearly. Especially in terms of world building.
    Only thing better about FF7 is that its darker overall

    Kuja is definitely the most underrated villain in the franchise. (sephiroth is the most overrated)
    His story is great, and he is second after Kefka as the best villain

    I think Kuja is definitely an underrated villain. I'll make a comment above just to make that point

    The author is right.
    FF9 is tied with FF6 as the best in the series.
    I loved this game since it first came out, and i remains my personal favorite in the franchise.
    FF7 is simply overrated

    I seriously, truly thought that Helga died and that Floki hallucinated her.
    But there you have it, she survived….somehow

    Daniel looked like he was shopping for drugs.

    ……. -_-

    This is true. I thought something similar when Daniel was trying to figure out the meds.
    Theyre Meds!!!!! JUST TAKE EM ALL!!!!!!!

    Me and my crew were pretty much just yelling "HURRY THE F*** UP" while watching these characters meander around when they should have been searching suitcases.

    CGI brah

    Strand: "Put him back where you found him."

    Thats why i think she died, and that Floki was hallucinating

    But then Rick and them made the exact same deal just about

    so….Helga is dead and Floki is just imagining s***, am i right?