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    You are in the opposite camp that i am in, which carried on from Breaking Bad. That is, i am in the camp of those that knows what will happen, but still get antsy watching the trainwreck in slow motion. Not saying your'e wrong tho

    Yea, but we like Jimmy.

    Wasn't that just gut wrenching though?

    Gotta say.
    I gave a full groan when the episode ended without Jimmy's meeting with the boss.

    Just think.
    Awakening was gonna be the last game in the franchise

    Not gonna lie, i just can't imagine siding with Hoshido.
    I mean, Nohr's characters are awesome, you get some old faces from Awakening, and old school Fire Emblem Classes

    How the hell do they just kill off Floki's daughter off screen real quick like?

    I remember that place, it really sucked

    f***n s*** cutting the roof of my g**d*** mouth all the f***in time

    Well why can't heOH.!!
    ….i made myself sad

    You a fellow cereal killer? (ba dum *tisss, heyo~ooo, 'thanks folks, ill be here all week. Try the Veal!!!')

    too many loose threads?

    Isn't it possible that Hank's decision is based on his head injury?

    I hate everything he did to Mos Eisley

    To be fair, i hate the new dance number in Jabba's palace in RotJ more than the entire prequel trilogy


    I really do hope that Konami eventually gives in and opts to finish the story with DLC

    Are they really whining this much over one lame gag at the end of the episode?

    this is the greatest thing that has ever happened

    Just sayin… yaoi art makes me uncomfortable