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    "i bought you a present, but i was having issues so i threw it away, just roll it up while you're down there."

    I honestly think that the zombies were eating the dead Nicholas on top of Glenn, and that the resulting carnage leaves Glenn so covered in guts that he simply walks out alive

    I rike you Dennis

    So ……
    what the hell is 'Paleblood?'

    Yea the first hour or so was nothing but
    follow the buttcrack

    The Scotchka would have been an excuse to hit Lisa, had it actually happened.

    Oh here i go killing again….

    Friends tried to show me this awesome movie that is apparently a cult classic. But i always thought that Empire Records sucked.

    The reviewer… just doesn't 'get' it

    The beheading scene….was awesome.

    he used to be f@#$ing psycho.

    I don't think Elmore Leonard criminals EVER examine their life's choices.

    So… Wynn Duffy wasn't an Elmore Leonard criminal?

    Tetsuya Nomura is all chains and buckles.
    Whats really telling, is that the series' originally designer, Yoshitaka Amana, was literally half blind…. SERIOUSLY and his outfits weren't half as ugly as Nomura's… (though unmistakably designed by a blind person)

    WOW.. thats the funniest thing ive ever read.
    The difficulty at the end of Final Fantasy X is brutal?

    At the start of this episode i believed that it was time for Floki to make an exit. I am still not prepared to continue with this show with what we got instead.. … We had so many more things to talk about..

    Thats a spoiler? Oh well, too late now

    At this point, like with Game of Thrones, there maybe should be an expert review for Walking Dead. The Alexandria arc is a major part of the Comic Book series

    To be fair, Conway was briefly seen in Season 4 Episode 3, "Legs".

    i only noticed 2