Daryl Liedecke

The ones with 20 inch blades on their Impalars

The lawyer probably has some crafty tricks like humming the first half of the chorus to "Bad Blood" and then seeing which jurors finish it up

I also see Ray Liotta with him

These are the important questions!

I just looked at the Amazon preview pages for that book and it totally takes me back. A lot of the stuff from Austin, I probably saw IRL at shows or stuck on lamp posts and walls.

If I didn't wait until the end of the show to buy, I usually just held them, which was a bit awkward. Shows were usually too hot to wear both but I never tried to get into "the pit" or anything either so I wouldn't lose it.
That reminds me, my friend and I were joking about how EVERY show in the 90s seemed to have a

They're awesome but they didn't really fit in with those other bands, even though they were on Epitaph for awhile.
I think I first got some of their songs off a Crypt Records compilation and that made sense

Hanging outside Roseanna's house

He's in the Doctor Who Christmas Special this year, but that couldn't be too time consuming.

I sorta think a lot of people have.
However, I also think a fair number of comments on TV review threads are people complaining about the reviewer and/or the written review. These little bullet lists don't really engender those types of comments.

So, they ARE on a break?

It's never worth the pain that you fee-OL!

Newman ordered the farmer's legs broke but Woodward was the one who actually carried it out.

I liked the design/costuming of those Strigoi at the end, with the long trenchcoat type things. I guess one of them will get MasterVision, speak to Dutch and recognize her from before and take her to MasterPalmer for "other plans."

Did something happen to David Bradley? Setrakian has barely been in this season so far.
The bit with Gus and Creem? We can figure that jealousy will cause conflict between Gus and Creem so that Gus kills Creem. I guess this just sets up the arming and training of some "troops" for a final battle?

That wouldn't surprise me. I think he gets more screentime simply because of Sam.

Now it's "Steve Adler". Pretty plain as names go, and kind of summarizes the changes in Austin, I think

Screw you, Tim!

If it wasn't for the constant Gendry jokes we make here, I'd likely forget about him too.

I still think bringing Bran through the wall screwed up all the magic and that will be the key.