Kat Dennings in a low cut top of any sort...
Kat Dennings in a low cut top of any sort...
Stop, I can only get so erect
Kat Dennings in a Thor suit however......
I’m not some big Disney or SW or Marvel fanboy, I’m sick of some shit that’s popular too but I’m not going to those articles to announce it to the fans. That’s what annoys me.
Well that’s it, everybody. Pack it in. This one person doesn’t like these films that millions upon millions of people enjoy. He or she is tired of something that is really easy to avoid (hint: don’t read articles about it or watch the movies), so we’re gonna go ahead and shut it all down.
I’m sure everyone is real impressed that you don’t like a popular thing. It’s a surefire way to be special.
Guess what? You don’t have to see it. You don’t have to read the articles about it. You don’t have to waste your time complaining about it.
They’ll milk this shit forever.