
I have had every rental car you can imagine over the years, but there was only one that I had to return because it was so bad: the Chevy HHR. Visibility was so bad, I did not feel safe driving it. 

This is a very weird and bad take on this situation

it’s just a simple fact that the judge’s word is the final one.”

Sorry, but that’s a bunch of crap. You don’t check your constitutional rights are the door when you enter a court. A judge can’t make you lick their toes or go to jail for contempt.

A judge can unilaterally decide upon a punishment, no matter how crazy/unconstitutional, then throw you in jail for contempt if/when you refuse? Could said judge asked him for a BJ? Demanded he clean the court’s bathrooms? IANAL, but such judicial carte blanche for speeding ticket adjudication doesn’t sound legit at

Lmao I’m sorry, 65k+ for a fucking *Tacoma*

“For” would also be correct here.

“Almost like deprogramming a cult member.”

Among the IPA’s other findings were that while San Jose PD was authorized to have 1,173 sworn officers in 2023, there were only 912 officers authorized for full duty. The department is currently at 77.75% of staffing.

I’d like to know what types of legal protections are in place for car/truck drivers now that basic protections are being declared optional. Accidents that previously only resulted in injuries are now resulting in deaths on account of motorcycle rider negligence, is that now taken into account when assigning liability

Plain clothes or not, I know an unmarked Police Ford Explorer when I see one.”

Cops frequently panic and shoot wildly and strike other cops, and then they all start spraying bullets everywhere.

Chicago police claim

Yeah, what is the difference between plain clothes cops rushing you carrying guns and body armor, and a carjacking/gang murder?

Becasue it was too long and frequently dull?

Manual cars are safer.


If they had actual jobs they would not have time for this Confederate cosplay. I know too many guys like this and this is how I explain it to people:

Right, because that was the first incident of a car being driven too quickly that lead to a negative result.  Get real dude.

holy shit, a 1969 Dodge Charger fan is an annoying 60-year-old whiner who blames everything he doesn’t like on the namby-pamby east coast liberal elite? now i’ve seen everything