
In most Asian cultures it’s rude to stick your chopsticks vertically in your rice. I travel there pretty often, so I don’t do it. If I were to accidentally, I sure as hell wouldn’t try and excuse myself because it’s not considered taboo at home.

While I don’t agree with your harsh words towards steak, I applaud you for realizing that their are better options on the menu than a burnt piece of meat.

In my view, anyone ordering a good steak over medium should be dropped off a cliff.

Shhhh. Adults are speaking.

It’s not that you “don’t share his views”, it’s the fact that you purposely ignore the ramifications of Ron’s hoarding.

Fuck that, for $10/mile I’m driving it like I stole it.

Yaaay! More gimmicky bullshit I’ll never use!

Yaaay! More gimmicky bullshit I’ll never use!

There’s always some idiot comparing land mines to possible negligence.

6-7% isn’t bad for a used car, new should be a little lower than that, but it all depends on your credit rating.

Somebody watches too much Grey’s Anatomy.

If you have a Costco membership, the Power Pack is $20 in store.

If you have a Costco membership, the Power Pack is $20 in store.

Ok, then use the phone. If your only option is briefing your kid through the doorbell, you failed somewhere.

“If you absolutely have to work, at least sit them down before you leave. It’s important for parents to talk to their kids in person.”

Exactly. I’m a veteran, I’ve used guns recreationally, and I would consider myself the “safe gun owner” that guys like Ark pretend they are. However, I love my wife, and respect the fact that she doesn’t want them in the house.


Fire rate, rate of fire, whatever. You’re still wrong.

My god you’re clueless as fuck. Did you even bother to Google fire rates?

No. Asking her to forget her past is abusive. She had a life before you, and it’s part of who she is.

How is this not a violation of the Hatch act?

Be nice if we could see the recording prior to the cop yelling “gun”. Guessing that wouldn’t support their bullshit narrative though.