Apples and oranges. Jack Daniels doesn’t specifically target alcoholics.
What point do you think you’re making?
They were functionally identical in the early versions of SF2.
Hopefully these have gotten better. The previous gens were hot garbage.
Hopefully these have gotten better. The previous gens were hot garbage.
“alledged allegations”
Yeah, she’s a fucking genius.
No competent lawyer wrote this. Between “alleged allegations” and her admitting that her son did what EPIC is suing for, I hope she wrote this herself.
Exactly this. Her not retaining a lawyer was a huge mistake here.
Sorry, no. My time is worth something too. I don’t need every shave to be a life changing event. Stopped using my safety razor a year ago when i got this, I have better shit to do. That, and safety razor users are the crossfitters of personal hygiene.
Sorry, no. My time is worth something too. I don’t need every shave to be a life changing event. Stopped using my…
It’s all fucked. I have a feeling we’re going to hear so many lies about this that we’ll never know exactly what happened.
They’ve already said that he was found bound and executed. Not sure how a mortar would have done that.
This is terrible advice. Not only is refusing on the spot punishable in most states, but your BAC could go up during the ride to the station.
Resigning sets a dangerous precedent. Yes, he would be taking the high moral ground, but would also be opening up the door for the right to weaponize the #metoo movement. Every Democrat that has ever taken a picture with a woman would be targeted.
Don’t give that prick any ideas.
So if i send in my dog’s spit under my own name, it might throw off the cops?
So you stopped playing three years ago?
For fucks sake, is he cuffed to his walker?
Something like this has already been in front of the SC:
This is GREAT! Need a replacement for that Kuerig I dropped off an overpass yesterday.
This is GREAT! Need a replacement for that Kuerig I dropped off an overpass yesterday.
Oh you’re developing a game? Can’t wait to see you try to pass off your sophmorish trash at $60 then.