
That’s thousand island dressing.

I honestly didn’t think we’d hear from this franchise again at all.

Are you simple? Why would more free stuff be bad thing?

Agreed, it would make me much more likely to purchase.

Doubt it. The rights have changed hands since then. They really have no reason to go back and fix another company’s game.

I played (and enjoyed) them as well, but I’d much rather see a Darksiders 3 than a minor graphics upgrade on a 3 year old game.

Agreed. If it is an improvement at all, it’s certainly not one warranting a re-release.

Was anyone really asking for this? Shouldn’t we have a sequel by now?

Thanks mate. I had called htc a few months ago, and they had told me that there was no way to turn it off. Wonder if it was a recent update?

Thanks mate. I had called htc a few months ago, and they had told me that there was no way to turn it off. Wonder if

Be wary of using one of these with a HTC One. The magnet triggers its dot-view mode, making the phone unusable while mounted.

Be wary of using one of these with a HTC One. The magnet triggers its dot-view mode, making the phone unusable while

Sweetheart, you're drowning. It's time to delete the thread and save some dignity.

It's probably much too late now, but if those questions were going to be asked, why not have a reporter with some balls ask them?

You really can't call a weapon useless when it kills the final boss in 2-3 hits.

So buy it on uplay, and add it to Steam. Same difference.

Why is your comment structured like some kind of dipshit haiku?

My ex-wife shit her pants in the passenger seat of my Disco.

I have a friend who can use her vagina to play bohemian rhapsody with her Pug's squeek toy. She never believes me when i tell her that she's transcending gender stereotypes.

He was in Texas, where they can ticket for reckless driving on private property. Only exception would be if the lot required payment for entry.

I'll second Bloodline being amazing, it's my favorite new beer.

I'm confused. The title says "Five Beers", but the picture clearly shows him drinking Budweiser.