Considering the majority of these servers are working part time, that's not bad at all.
Considering the majority of these servers are working part time, that's not bad at all.
You can avoid that issue by paying through paypal.
You can avoid that issue by paying through paypal.
As a former WRX owner, I can honestly say that the car attracts idiots of all ages.
Agreed, although i don't know which i fear more, kids in Suburbans, or kids driving mustang GTs.
Sadly, it just translates to Dodge making less of them.
Now you're changing the argument completely. The OP talked about intentionally putting kids in an unsafe car, you're talking about not giving them a car with high limits. Two completely different things. I agree with not giving a kid a car with high limits, I don't agree with giving them an unsafe car. That's like…
How you raise them has nothing to do other drivers. By putting your kid in a shitbox, you're only potentially fixing half the problem, while making them more vulnerable to the other half. It's got nothing to do with limits.
Once a Marine, always a Marine!
As a parent, this sounds like a horrible idea. Intentionally increasing the chance of your child's injury or death in an accident (which may not even be their fault) is fucking unthinkable. On top of that, you're assuming these kids have embraced their own mortality, which is almost never the case. They all think…
#1 rule when building a PC: Do not close up the case until everything is working perfectly.
but you're not changing the rules of the English language. G makes both sounds.
Depends on where you're looking to park.
No, but the Lambo driver had no way of knowing that at the time. Honestly, watching the video, I would assume that there had been serious injury.
Last I heard, they don't give that out preemptively........
Yes. Off brand Apple Jacks suck.
"directly telling the server and his manager exactly what he did wrong"
No, you're missing the point completely. If you fail to understand that just not leaving a tip is more passive aggressive than directly telling the server and his manager exactly what he did wrong, i really can't help you.
So you're saying the waitress in the posting knew that her actions would cause her to not receive a tip? I hope so, otherwise your argument was blown completely to shit before you made it.
ok, the server being in a bad mood is only one of many possible reason the service sucked. What about the others?
By just tipping less, you're not even addressing the problem. The server may not even know what they did wrong. 9 times out of 10, they're just going to think you're a cheap asshole, and were justified in providing you shitty service.