As a math-challenged individual who had a load of friends who worked server jobs I’ve been tipping 20% for many years (in cash, BTW, that’s the key, helps cut down on wage theft.)
As a math-challenged individual who had a load of friends who worked server jobs I’ve been tipping 20% for many years (in cash, BTW, that’s the key, helps cut down on wage theft.)
Morality and legality are two separate things. Are you really an adult in 2019 and don’t understand this? Apologies if you’re actually 14.
It’s never occurred to me because I’ve never purchased something from a stadium vendor, but you’re right. Wonder if they’re considered servers and then only make tipped minimum?
When my daughter was having a hard time finding a job, I told her, “as long as I have a roof, you have a roof. I can’t promise that it will be ideal, or even comfortable. But you will never be homeless as long as I’m not.”
Prison guards and the prison system are wholly responsible for ANY and ALL violence that occurs in the facilities they are running.
So many people make this website what it is every day for its readers, and most people never see their bylines on the site. Kavi’s one of those people. It can’t be overstated just how much Kavi’s done for Jalopnik and its readers. Any contentious story, any big investigation, anytime we had a question about who or…
“Actually Runs Pretty Well”
This is always my favorite time of year. The air is turning warm, the grass is turning green, I can put the top down on the convertible in the afternoons, and I get to read about David mad-dashing for the finish line on his way to Moab with some POS Jeep. Godspeed, David Tracy, never change.
As a black woman who has had to deal with random strangers coming up to touch my hair for nearly three decades, I CONCUR!
What else is bothering you today?
Since it’s highly unlikely Biden will be reading this comment, I’ll post some advice for anyone else that wants a takeaway from this: If you consider yourself an affectionate person, particularly with strangers, take a moment to ask yourself: Is it possible that you’ve made people uncomfortable, but they’ve been too…
I knew so much of this kind of shit was going to come out if he ran. He could have coasted on years of (misguided) goodwill from being Obama adjacent, yet here we are. Go away, Joe.
That’ll liquefy the entire truck, you monster!
Quite a bit, actually.
Not that you’d need help this close to home, but if you break down in the Ann Arbor/Yissiplanti area i can come pick you up and drive you to the nearest rehab center where we can help you get over your illness...
It’s in the story:
This story proves, without a shadow of a doubt, the futility of arguing with hardcore anti-vaxxers. If almost losing a child, something I fear much more than dying myself, isn’t enough to shake these people, nothing will. Bet the medical staff treating this poor child had to restrain themselves.