Quickest way I can think of out of this for the mother and the clinic is to challenge standing, by telling this MRA garbage dump of a human that he’s not the father, someone else is?
Quickest way I can think of out of this for the mother and the clinic is to challenge standing, by telling this MRA garbage dump of a human that he’s not the father, someone else is?
Creative punishment: forcibly infect him with a chronic illness that can't be cured, only maintained, hike the price of the med to maintain it, and then dictate that he can only purchase the medicine with money earned working in a midtown McDonald's
Most legal professionals will recognise that victims of violent crimes, particularly sexual assault, particularly where the assailant is an authority figure, will lie. They will lie to avoid revealing details about what happened to them (out of avoidance or shame), they will lie out of fear of being trouble (she was…
Your father, what a cruel let-down. So sorry for him, for you and your whole family. I’m not even a tiny bit religious, but God help us all as we lose the ones we love most in life. I have not yet experienced all the ravages of time, but I believe the cruelest blows in my life have already landed—it was when my…
I see why we compare the US to Sweden for this issue in some ways, but then I don’t. They have better access to healthcare overall, policies that allow for more time off work, public higher education, and about 10 million people vs. our 350. It seems like the rate of C-sections,while definitely a difference, can’t…
Live as a woman? Wow. That told me all I needed to know about you.
You lost me at QA has done “zero” testing of this game. I’m not defending EA or anything related to this game but that’s such a wildly obvious exaggeration I’ve lost any sort of confidence in thev alidity of the rest of your comment.
No fault of hers, of course, but also not a level playing field - and sports assumes that there is one.
There is something wrong with you. Not liking mayo? I’m fine with that. But MIRACLE WHIP, AKA SATAN JIZZ.
You’re comparing apples to oranges though. Take a look at California for instance, which pays $81K per inmate and $12K per K-12 student. There are about one million inmates and about 12 million students.
Perhaps read the article.
It’s disrespectful and condescending to refer to an adult of any gender as “baby” unless it’s some sort of very specific scenario where you have permission.
“Why is this still a crime?”
The literal article you are commenting contains a quote from the detective working the case describing how this specific massage parlor engaged in human trafficking.
The article makes the point that many of these women were there against their wills and had no choice at all.
I’m not advocating for letting customers call you names, but it was probably the fact that you corrected him that made him jump all over you.
What the hell is wrong with the two guys, at a directly unrelated table, saying the waitress ruined their meal? Fuck them and their fragile little egos.