Morphology of structure and chemistry of the feathers ‘indistinguishable from modern birds.’ You mean, after 75 million years? How could that possibly be?
Morphology of structure and chemistry of the feathers ‘indistinguishable from modern birds.’ You mean, after 75 million years? How could that possibly be?
Who said anything about soft-tissue fossilization? We are talking about soft-tissue preservation.
Ad hominem. Isn’t that a logical fallacy? Deal with the issue at hand. What evidence do YOU have that soft tissue can last for 75 million years?
Another discovery of soft-tissue that has been around for 75 million years. Right! And please don’t talk to me about “fossilized” soft tissue. I’m talking about recent discoveries of actual soft tissue. There is a difference, and I suggest that 75 million years for preservation of soft tissue is preposterous.
“To even have a chance at becoming a fossil – whether intact or disarticulated by the carrion feeders – it’s going to have to be buried quickly.” You mean, in something like a catastrophic flood? Oh, nevermind, people would think I’m an ignorant Christian.
Why would you do that? This discovery is just another bit of evidence that fossilized life is not millions and millions of years old. The evidence continues to pour in pointing to, ahem, cataclysmic burial and a relatively recent one at that.
I get a laugh out of the commenters who criticize the young-earth folks.Discovery after discovery point to cataclysmic burials and relatively recent ones at that. The notion that organic matter could survive 40+ million years was, at first, relegated to “scientific error.” I mean, no organic material could last 40+mm…
I get a laugh out of the commenters who criticize the young-earth folks.Discovery after discovery point to cataclysmic burials and relatively recent ones at that. Organic matter surviving 40+ million years. At first, such discoveries were simply relegated to “scientific error.” I mean, no organic material could last…