
“Someone has a different opinion” is one way of putting it. Here’s another: A person in a position of power thinks that people with less power should stop acting like victims. This person, who helped create a game called AXE Body Spray Pogo Xtreme, argues that making games is not a job but an art. Therefore, he says,

They’ll have a hell of a time doing this while their economy is doing so poorly. They can’t even afford to properly run their half-antiquated military, let alone some money pit space program initiative like this.

It’s really about ethics in functioning game systems.

That ending shot of the F-18 going to full after burner then pulling away gave me a freedom boner

My fiance got married in college, way too young, had two kids right away with the wrong person and he claims he didn't even get to live much until he was divorced, so I can see how that feels. He thinks he actually "developed a personality" as a divorced person. Before that, he was working a million jobs, in an

Shared this with a friend from across the country who actually works at a comics shop and also happens to be black, and has many amusing stories about casual nerd racism. He had a pretty good comment I'm going to paraphrase here.

Him: "Okay, so if my shop had a room that everyone called 'dead nigger storage', think

Interesting information. My dad is a public health professional who worked as a health department inspector for many of his younger years. He always dissects a cantaloupe by slicing away a central stripe with a vegetable peeler, slicing in half and then scooping out the insides.

It's because if Cobra gets their hands on one....

I forget where I even found this.

Actually Sigourney's real-life mother in the photo, I think. Amazing how low-rez photos will be in the future.

Nothing to see here, folks.