At the very least, I hope the royalty checks that Rowling receives from this are written out as “That Trans-positive game based on the world you came up with that people still love despite your horrible opinions.”
At the very least, I hope the royalty checks that Rowling receives from this are written out as “That Trans-positive game based on the world you came up with that people still love despite your horrible opinions.”
It is kind of amazing how long people will cover for someone even when they’re behaving badly. Not making any excuses for anyone, but sometimes if the person in question has enough pull or is friends with the powers that be they can get away with things for a long time. There’s a long history of crew members getting…
I laughed at this one because it was so damned familiar. This was pretty much my multiplayer experience in a lot of COD games. It’s not about being a bad player, it’s because 13-year-olds have the reflexes (and macros) of cheetahs.
It’s taking them forever to carve out new subway lines under LA, yet somehow he expects to magically ‘bore’ his way through solid rock and red tape quicker than the Metro? I don’t think so.
They’re great. Just don’t pop a big one out into your glass and expect it not to break. Cuz ice is uh, HARD.
Has any *innocent* man every been falsely accused of rape 5 TIMES?
I’ve shouted a lot of things while getting my ass handed to me in online matches. Things that only my four walls, my cats, and my lord and savior have heard. And not once did “n****r” or “f****t” slip loose from my lips. They’re simply not in my vocabulary.
Not a huge fan of football, but it was very odd to not have an NFL team here in LA (especially coming from Chicago were pretty much every sport is represented). The Dodgers and Lakers have pretty much dominated the mindset of this town and it didn’t seem like there would be any room (emotionally speaking) for another…
Anyone here have a Macbook Pro 2014 they’ve updated to Mojave? It’s been a rockstar for me so far (i7, 16GB, 500GB SSD) but I’m dreading the day that an OS update finally slows it down.
I am not looking for truth
Facetious, but with a side dish of “maybe.”
There’s no middle ground on this – you either believe they happened, or you believe they didn’t. None of this “it’s possible” or “jury’s still out” bullshit.
Are you being facetious, or do you really want to go there with me?
This all seems well and fine for engaging these nitwits in person, but I don’t think it amounts to much when you confront them online. Trying to argue with that friend of a friend on Facebook about the Moon Landings and you’re liable to wind up going in circles for days until one of you just gives up on the thread.…
I’m consistently gobsmacked by how many idiots make mistakes on social media that cost them their jobs. We’ve had smartphones for over a decade, social media for a little less than that, and there’s cameras on every device and in every pocket – yet people still act like anything they do in public isn’t going to wind…
This movie was actually a fun time with plenty of gross, laugh-out-loud moments. Saw it with a bunch of peeps and had a blast. Dumb fun, B- at best. Don’t understand all the vitriol the critics have been slinging at it.
There’s a cover-up even within that conspiracy, to cover up the most painful truth of all:
Some asshole put all the guacamole at ONE END.
...or, you know, make your own damned coffee at home or the office and save the Starbucks run for an occasional treat that’s less convenient to make yourself, like lattes and cold brew. Or Frapuccinos if you want to ingest your weekly sugar allowance in one go.
Can we please stop with these revisionist attempts to retcon shitty movies into not-that-bad movies? Batman and Robin sucks. The Phantom and The Shaodw both sucks. Mario Bros. sucks big time. Nothing to see here, moving on...
This podcast was really great, and perfectly timed for me. Thank you!