It seems to me that there's plenty of evidence that Bane will "Break the Bat" in this film, possibly early on; then he'll have to recover and fight his way back. Showing him disheveled, using a cane, etc. would imply that he was badly injured or at least out of commission for a while, no? Maybe Bane uses that time to…
I wish I could unsee that. So wrong.
agreed. Except with more space things.
I still don't know how the film version is going to be received. I feel like the time for it has passed, as we're so "post-cyberpunk" now and so many parts of the story are outdated. The internet has evolved, the USSR is gone, pay phones are gone, space programs have withered, and the vision of mega-sized city sprawls…
That PHANTOM movie...I think I liked it better when it was called BELOW.
There's a scene in GITS 2: Innocence where Batou walks into an alley to confront a renegade cyborg; the opening scene of this short looked very similar to me, right down to the design of the floating sight in her HUD. I appreciate the work involved in putting something like this together, but there's a fine line…
In order to make it a "big movie", a studio would want to turn this into a summer tentpole/franchise starter – like "Transformers", "Matrix", "GIJOE", "Avengers" etc. That's the only way the film will get a really huge budget. But that will come with caveats like a cast full of popular actors and a streamlined story…
If being able to travel FTL means I have to turn into a floating ball sack with eyes, I'm out.
No Nazareth on the deal.
We're really retiring the ISS in the next decade?? I know things get outdated but surely we can continue adding and upgrading modules to keep it habitable? Hate to think of all that effort and expense just burning up someday...
The characters in Macross or Gundam look vaguely Westernized to me; I think they could work with actors from different nationalities. Akira is the one that looks definitively Japanese.
Yup. And they scared the bejeezus outta me. Imagine the ALIENS except they could TALK.
Yeah, I was about to write "Godfather II" as well. It's the only prequel (well, half of the movie anyway) that adds to overall saga without taking away from or copying what was awesome about the original film.
I can't speak to the main point of this article, which seems like a pointless argument. We might as well ask: "What's worse: dog shit or horse shit?" At the the end of the day, they're both SHIT.
Agreed. The animation is top notch on that one. Didn't the same guys do one of the segments in "The Animatrix"?
I was thinking about the extended FPS sequence where the viewer saw the POV of the main character as he fought his way through the halls. Interesting attempt to integrate the gameplay, but it just came off as cheesy.
The inherent problem with video game to film adaptations is that you can't PLAY the film. You have to sit there and passively watch the narrative, which is usually the weakest part of most games; it's not the story you care about as much as the actual gameplay. And attempts to try and replicate the experience of…