That’s exactly what the button is for. ON mean it’s open and loud. But you would have to be a car person to understand that.
That’s exactly what the button is for. ON mean it’s open and loud. But you would have to be a car person to understand that.
Yeah, the writers have become insufferable here, using their columns as an opportunity to push their own political leanings on the readership. What ever happened to just writing about the cars?
With no disrespect intended, next time please review the car, not your own attitudes.
The problem here is an underengineered, $110K Wrangler. Let’s talk about that, shall we?
It’s like some peoples brain can’t process the response of “okay, you can fill up fast as a gas station but I don’t have to fill up at all...”
Notice what he’s NOT doing — looking at/typing into/distracted by a phone. While wrinklies chartering a land yacht to procure produce via 50mph on a highway is sub-optimal, so are yoots going 90mph scrolling thru Insta and texting friends their party plans while balancing a hot venti and QT sando in their laps.
You could look at this through a cynical lens, or you could look at this the way Jagrjones is looking at it which is purely a bright spot in a really shitty time for a lot of people. Yes it sucks that people are dying and no amount of time is going to change that people have died due to these fires. You know what…
Okay, since nobody involved in writing any of this decided to include actual numbers, I guess I’ll do it.
In 1990, the EPA banned the use of phosogypsum containing radium-226 concentrations above 400 bq/kg (1 Bq = 1 radioactive decay per second).
For reference, cement ALSO contains radium-226, along with potassium-40…
Standard time can get bent. I want my sun in the afternoon evening, and extra hour of light in the morning during the winter serves no purpose.
I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but your username detracts somewhat from the urgency and gravity of your post...
It might be a bargain M3, but it’s still a Hyundai.....
Am I the only one that hates these slideshow articles? It reminds me of the clickbait articles that are like, “you’ll never believe what happened to so and so from that show you watched as a teen” and then it takes fifteen pages of filler material to find out they’re in jail.
If we’re being honest, I’m willing to bet more people’s ears were damaged by a crying child, than a loud car (excluding track only vehicles). I mean I understand the difference, human life especially a child > glorious revving machines even if I’m not a kid person, and to be courteous and understanding as possible.…
We should absolutely be fining loud babies. Lots of people enjoy the sound of a Lambo, no one is saying “oh cool a screaming baby”
I had to read the article just to see how dumb it really was. I won’t watch the video...
How about we deal with the underinsured knobs who think “cutting up” is fun first? The size of our firetrucks is hardly cracking the the top 1000 on my list of concerns with our roadways
Never thought I would see the day a fellow Veteran would stump for the National Guard! Look you and I both know that the 4 years Vance served was WAY more than the weekends served by Walz. Both served but let’s not compare NG Service with Active Service. NG Service is pretty laughable. If this post was last week,…
Now for The Most Overrated List of Whatever List on Jalopnik.
Mic drop...
This car is the reason why I believe in V10 supremacy.
Beat me to it- LFA in a tunnel is the one folks, we can all go home now, thanks for playing.