
Your pocket is now......still full.....you from that area?

Our local police/Sheriff’s dept only purchase the Explorer or Tahoe now as the cars are almost impossible to get.

There’s a school zone camera in our county in GA and I believe they’re making a mint with only about 80-100 citizens.  The camera is on a 4 lane and very well marked that the speed changes but people still choose to ignore it.

Don’t feel bad...I’m miserable in my career and would take a sizable pay cut to get out of it.

the stupidity has not yet surpassed my laziness

Nothing.  Everyone has their own tastes...Okay maybe any big truck that’s squatted or any car that’s stanced....that’s about it and only those because I still think both are dangerous.

easy now...mine came with one and I’m just too damn lazy to change it out lol

I get that but for me (39 years old and heavy into my career) $200 is more of a “Do I want to forgoe craft beer for a couple weeks to justify it to the wife?”  It’s still money but the older I get the more I realize that how I used to view $200 I now look at $1-2k in that way.

Nothing new.  I’ve walked into dealerships and had salesmen say “How do you know so much about all our cars?!”.  Car guys gonna car guy I guess...

I see the appeal of using the ps5 controller but ultimately this would’ve been a buy for me if it worked with streaming.  Not allowing me to play BG3 while my kid plays Fortnite sucks but I get it.  Not letting me use it at all if he’s playing is a no-go.  I’d buy one at maybe $125 for being able to play in the bed

They finally realized we were paying that for LoL skins.  I paid like $20 for the DJ Sona skin.  I don’t even play LoL anymore and should sell my account but man I dropped a mint on stuff for that game.

I’m honestly holding on an EV till next year when the rules change.  My oldest will be 16 and take my vehicle so I’ll need something.  With free charging where I work an EV makes the most sense...

yep...lesson learned.

Just not a Fit.  I got a firt gen manual Sport thinking it would be fun.  That was the most underwhelming driving experience ever with honestly not that terrific economy.

Doubt it.  GM will 100% raise the price before they come out I bet.  If they don’t the dealerships will.

Originally it took a couple weeks to get a response but that seems to be standard after reading online at the time.  They can’t tell you anything really.  They end up pushing it to someone higher who only tells you what the resolution will be and what to do.  Originally they would only tow it to the closest dealership

Good lord everything is a slideshow lately...that aside the Gladiator is never over MSRP where I live (Southeast).

Man if this was close it’d be in my garage.  These things are ridiculously priced in the southeast from my searching so far.

As a SCM for 12 years you’re not wrong...

Easy. 2023 Kia Telluride we bought last summer. We owned it for 29 days and the engine died. We waited 21 days to get a replacement engine. We were told it would be a new engine and instead they installed a refurb (I get it that it’s standard but for a new car with less than 1000 miles that’s unacceptable). We were