
I thought the Project was pretty Giant and could be considered Specialized. I’m sure his Trek around town on all that Roubaix was quite Evil. I’ll Ceepo my way out now.

Liens aren’t a big deal. I’ve bought quite a few cars with them. You just have to do your homework.

That fishy white car was a white civic of the same style wasn’t it? Maybe they stole it then came to steal the coupe.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

I voted CP because seller couldn’t be bothered to clean it before posting pictures. If he can’t even clean the damn car when he’s selling it what other things could be neglected?

Popular here for coyotes and wild hogs. I use one for deer hunting as well but I’m not a sporting hunter by any means...Just interested in one a year to eat and maybe one to donate to “Hunters for the Hungry”.

Let’s not talk about it *cough Chevy Volt cough

The listing says 130k. CP.

I actually went to the wrx run at the tail of the dragon in my Forester XT a few years back and they were shocked by how well it did. I had the full STi suspension and full STi forester (JDM) setup. Although not rocket fast or anything it actually handled pretty well.

As a former server this person sounds like an ass. I always stack 2-3 plates and make sure there’s no napkins or silverware in between them. This sounds like the type of server I’d only leave a 10% tip.

I’m sad now because we couldn’t find the ecoboost one so we had to settle /frownyface. On the bright side it has all the other stuff and we still love it.

I’m sad now because we couldn’t find the ecoboost one so we had to settle /frownyface. On the bright side it has all the other stuff and we still love it.

EASY! We have one and I’m a Jalop. I think it looks ugly in a good/different way. It’s also super roomy and comfortable on road trips. Gets god-awful gas mileage though.

I commented on my own but in reply to this..YES..They always feel they have to have the biggest damn one or fly it from their truck or something. IMO just makes them look like white trash idiots.

Born and raised Georgian. They’re everywhere. Honestly most of us just think they’re trashy and reserved for the uber-rednecks. I would argue that 5% of the people that have one aren’t racist. The rest are ignorant idiots.


Critics be damned I still love these guys. Moreso now because Amazon can be a bit more liberal with them. That was a funny bit.

I just bought a ‘98 Sienna with 136k and zero issues for $1,400. I was NP all day long even though my wife makes fun of me now.

Except that’s illegal and this isn’t.

A used CTS-V wagon is always the answer.