Already free on PS+, I just downloaded it :) (could be a region thing so YMMV)
Already free on PS+, I just downloaded it :) (could be a region thing so YMMV)
Also, isn’t the Ultimate Edition (PS5 and PS4 version) of Control one of the “free” games with PSN this month?
Yet the big Wall St & hedge fund guys get to continue trading via their Bloomberg terminals. So, they get to work to drive the price back down to cover their short positions while screwing over the “retail investors”.
BuT tHe FrEe MaRkEt!!!!11
I loved Skyward Sword. Wish they would port it to switch.
I mean...that is essentially how Greek mythology usually goes: Zeus is a massive, skirt-chasing jackass and, aside from Hera, everyone else just kind of rolls with it. He’s the king of the gods, so he gets to do whatever he wants, is always right, and the only one who disagrees is his wife who is always portrayed as…
Easily one of my favorite games of the last gen. This is one of those times where the reviewers of the blogs I frequent just utterly missed the mark. This game left a lasting impression on me and I find myself thinking about it pretty frequently months after I put it down.
Better question is how much of that original team is still around.
To be fair, NV and KOTOR 2 both had the goal lines move on them several times. I’m no fan of Obsidian and I think they’re incredibly overrated in most aspects. Not horrible, just not what people like to think they are.
This game has been out for a long time in Japan without any update.
Kind of makes me want the next Persona game to adopt this battle system.
The fact that there are corporate ‘donations’(They’re bribes)is what led to corporations owning the country more than the public and the government do. Take money out of politics, and maybe, MAYBE we get more humanized officials that are less profit-at-the-expense-of-others-driven
psst...the complicity was completely intentional.
Yeah, I mean the whole city being a big mess with one weird building sitting right on top of another and weird highways jagging through it at all angles totally jives with its theme of “what if ancaps built Megacity 2?” I didn’t have a problem with any of it.
I think you’re overestimating how much an indie developer gets to pick and choose the publishers they work with. If you were in the same situation, you might not have been able to be so principled.
Spend your money however you want, I don’t care, just know you’re gonna get some critique for it if you put in on a public…
That’s fairly standard practice.
It is very naive of you to believe that CDPR would differentiate themselves especially when they are a public company.
If only people saw these companies as companies and not their revolutionary friend that always has their best interest at heart
Ha ha man, I remember writing here before the game came out about how it had much the same setup as No Man’s Sky. Way too much hype, eager fans with imaginations and expectations run amok, no possibility in hell it could ever live up to what it was being sold as.
What aggravates me the most is that the vision, capabilities, skills, and imaginations of dozens of people helped create one of the most ambitious games of all times, yet all of that is buried underneath one of the clearest examples of how disgusting capitalism is overall.