
I'm not hyping up NoE; I think Nintendo have a lot of problems worldwide, but especially in the west in general. NoA are much worse, though. Fire Emblem: Awakening, while regrettable, was the exception and not the rule right now. Just look at how NoE responded to Operation Rainfall compared to NoA.

It is absolutely

The full quote is on my list of favourite quotes.

Ah, I see what you mean. I think Silverglass's critique is accurate, though. Your point is totally valid, but it would probably be a confusing example for Schreier to have used for this article due to the ideas with which people most readily associate with Tactics.

You make a good point, though.

Hm, where do you get Tactics over FFIX? I feel like the format is very FFIX, while Tactics is pretty unique in the series due to its political themes and use of SRPG mechanics.

I actually think that's no so idealistic! I would say that, in a (more) ideal world, no one would objectify any real or fictional person at all. Individuals would always be empowered with both self-respect and society respect. Exploitation would be eradicated in this and in other issues. I think what you want is not

I like the way you explored my point. Titillation vs. insight is a good way to frame the issue. Very well-said!

You don't read very well, or perhaps you just need to read my expanded thoughts. Here is a short thesis on it, though:

I think we can both agree that video games are just as much an artistic medium as any other. We're at least not dealing with that form of irrational cultural conservatism. Thank goodness for video games forums! c:

Back to your main points, though...

This goes back into the comments I made in the EDIT section of my post.

Precisely. There is a trend in all of civil history to take the positivist terms of one cultural regime and attempt to adapt them to your own when garnering support. For example, look at how many different understandings of words like "freedom" there are.

In this case, words like "tolerance" and "equality" have been

I know what you're saying, and I sympathise with the thought. I think your intentions are good, and I myself used to think along the same lines. There is an interesting argument for compromise between society and "maladjusted" (psychologically, or just ethically, troubled) individuals through the virtual/artistic

Oh my god...

See, the only figures I have are two western ones from Sony first-party collector's editions. I somehow have never ended up with one from my Japanese games.

Right? It's bizarre, as well as backwards.

I absolutely love JRPGs and anime; my girlfriend and I joke about being weeaboos all the time. lol However, it would be wrong of me to turn my critical eye away from this content just because I enjoy it. I would rather enjoy these Japanese creations free of these problems. It

Incorrect. What you are saying is that ethics cannot exist and that all atrocities can be accepted on cultural grounds.

The same argument has been made for basically every other exploitative relationship in human history, whether it is slavery, domestic abuse, or gender stratification. Objectification is no different,


Who the hell did they license for those figures for such an accident to come out? I would demand a new one or a refund if that happened.

Very odd, since SE have very high-end contracts for figures. Then again, Nintendo handled this one themselves, so that's probably the problem.

EDIT: For the record, I've seen

Excellent! I'm happy to help. I've been looking forward to this game for a long time. c:

Cultures aren't all equal, though. On this specific issue, western culture is ethically superior to Japanese objectification. This is a problem in Japan, not something to be endorsed and shipped abroad. It's something they need to fix.

Similarly, the US has its own huge cultural problems, like gun fetishism, lack of


It bothers me in video games.

I'm fine with doing so for, say, navigating my web browser. It's a different experience with different goals, and browsers on other interfaces are inferior.

Whereas, I find navigating JRPGs on other devices to be superior.

It's a personal thing, though. I'm all for people who want to play

I don't think they have really clarified why they decided to turn this into its own spin-off series, but it's not too hard to imagine devs just finding that prospect exciting.

Your hypothesis is interesting, though. We'll have to wait and see if SE release more "traditional" style FF games, or if Bravely Default

You know, I own what few JRPGs there are on PC, and I have trouble playing them on the platform. It really bothers me to sit over a desk for long hours of menu navigation. I only treat the PC as a quick-burst FPS and indie machine.

It's a bit of a shame. JRPGs are by far my favourite genre! I get more enjoyment out of